If you are looking for a simple and secure way to manage your crypto assets, you might want to try Exodus wallet. Exodus is a desktop and mobile wallet that supports over 260 cryptocurrencies and allows you to swap them easily with its built-in exchange feature. In this article, we will show you how to move funds in Exodus wallet, including how to transfer money from Exodus to bank account.
To move funds in Exodus wallet, you need to have some crypto balance in your wallet first. You can buy crypto with your credit/debit card, bank account or Apple Pay within Exodus mobile app, or send crypto from another wallet or exchange to your Exodus address. To find your Exodus address, go to the Wallet tab and select the asset you want to receive. Then click on Receive and copy or share your address.
To transfer money from Exodus to bank account, you need to sell your crypto for fiat currency first. You can do this by using the built-in exchange feature of Exodus, which allows you to swap your crypto for USD, EUR, GBP or other local currencies. To access this feature, go to the Exchange tab and select the asset you want to sell and the fiat currency you want to receive. Then enter the amount and click on Exchange.
After you have exchanged your crypto for fiat currency, you need to withdraw it to your bank account. To do this, go to the Settings tab and select Fiat On-Ramp. Then choose your preferred payment provider and follow the instructions to link your bank account and verify your identity. Once your bank account is linked, you can withdraw your fiat balance by entering the amount and clicking on Withdraw.
That's how you move funds in Exodus wallet. If you have any questions or need help, you can contact Exodus support team 24/7 via email or live chat.
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